
Review of Law and Social Sciences (RLSS), ISSN (Online) (3078-1574) and ISSN (Print) (3078-610X) is an esteemed academic journal published under International Centre for Sustainable Development and Research (SMC-Private) Limited (CUI No. 0266199), is an Open Access , a scholarly journal that provides a dedicated, interdisciplinary forum for international research on all aspects of Legal sciences, collective behaviour, journalism, communications and mass media studies, studies of culture and society, disability and integration problems, family & marriage, history, impacts of technology on society, individual and collective well-being, information society, issues of identity and globalization, modernism and postmodernism, psychology and social psychology, sociology and social work, studies on organizations, support for vulnerable groups, educational sciences, teacher education, religious studies, languages and linguistics, literature, gender studies, ethnic studies, English, anthropology, archaeology, archival studies, anthropology, history of art and design, Philosophy, political sciences, peace and conflict studies, law and legislature, constitutional development, international relations, administrative sciences, economics and business. The journal actively encourages quantitative and qualitative approaches to social sciences, management sciences, arts, and humanities. The journal also publishes new research on digital platforms, social media, and related policies.

ISSN (Online) 3078-1574


What can you expect if you publish in RLSS?

- Immediate, free access to your article for anyone anywhere in the world
- Rigorous peer review featuring constructive dialogue with experts
- Retention of the full copyright in your work
- Innovative article-level performance metrics
- Global marketing and high production values
- Extensive indexing and archiving of your work
- A straightforward and friendly publishing service

Information about the Journal 

 Journal Title                                      :           Review of Law and Social Sciences

 Abbreviation                                    :           RLSS

Frequency                                          :           Quarterly  (January, April, July & October issue)

Submission of Article                      :           Online System

Areas covered                                   :           Social Sciences

Peer Review Process                       :           Double-blind

Medium                                              :           Print & Online

Language                                           :           English

Article Processing Charges (APC):           No

Submission Fee                                :            No

Access                                                 :           Open Access (Access to the articles is free)

 Journal's Website                           :           https://Reviewlawsocialsciences.com

Editor's Email Address                   :           editor@reviewlawsocialsciences.com
