Manuscript Template
Logo (RLSS) Review of Law and Social Sciences (RLSS)
Volume 0, Issue 0, June 2024, PP. 00-00
ISSN: (O) xxxx-xxxx (P) xxxx-xxxx
Title of Research Work (In 14 Font, Bold Centered Aligned, First Word Capital) The title should be no more than 25 words, and should be a declarative phrase without punctuation at the end of it)
Author (Name, Font-12, Bold), Author Affiliation with Institute, University, City, Country, Email ID, ORCID ID (Font-12, Italic)
Author (Name, Font-12, Bold), Author Affiliation with Institute, University, City, Country, Email ID, ORCID ID, (Font-12, Italic)
Abstract | ||
Abstract should be within 150 to 200 words. Font- 11, Non Italics, in paragraph form, focusing on purpose of research, methodology adopted, findings and conclusion. Use 1.0 line space for whole paper except title, authors name and affiliation. All paper should be in Times New Roman Style & Use Normal Page Layout margins. In title, authors name and affiliation, use only 1.0 line spacing. Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract. Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable. Keywords: Three to eight key words (Font-12) Elections, Army, Pakistan, Political System |
Introduction (Font-12, Bold) Main Heading
Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing, Justify. Use tab after the first paragraph completion of each new headline or sub-headline.
Literature Review (Font-12, Bold)
(Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing, Justify) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In order to retain customer it is important to satisfied them (Jhon 2013). The study of Sesmi (2013) shows that customer satisfaction is one of the most important factor for consumer retention. For references follow APA American psychological Association format xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Research Objectives if any (Font-12, Bold)
- (Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing and, in bullets form, Justify)
Research Questions if any (Font-12, Bold)
- (Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing and, in bullets form, Justify)
Research Hypotheses if any (Font-12, Bold)
- (Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing and, in bullets form, Justify)
Theoretical Framework (Font-12, Bold)
(Text in 10 Font, 1.0 spacing, if having any figure show in good quality images and Justify) xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Finding/Analysis (Font-12, Bold)
(Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing, Tables/Graph etc should be centered aligned and 10 to 12 font size Times New Roman) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
- Table captions should be clear and be put above the table.
- All tables should be editable with no image format.
- Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the unified style, such as Table 1, Table 2, Table 3…
- The corresponding meaning of the symbol in the table should be given below the table.
- Figures should be numbered in order with clear captions.
- The captions should be editable and be written below the figures.
- Figures should be numbered just with Arabic numerals in the unified style, such as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3…
Discussion (Font-12, Bold)
(Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing, Justify) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Conclusion (Font-12, Bold)
(Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing, Justify) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Recommendations (Font-12, Bold)
(Text in 12 Font, 1.0 spacing, Justify) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
REFERENCES (Font-12, Bold)
(APA American psychological Association Format, Alphabetical Arrangement, Font Size 12, single spacing)
Al-Mashari, M., & Zairi, M. (1999). BPR implementation process: an analysis of key success and failure factors. Business Process Management Journal, 5(1), 87-112.
Belmiro, T. R., Gardiner, P. D., Simmons, J. E., & Rentes, A. F. (2000). Are BPR practitioners really addressing business processes? International journal of Operations and production management, 20(10), 1183-1202.
Cao, G., Clarke, S., & Lehaney, B. (2001). A Critique of BPR from a holistic perspective. Business Process Management Journal, 7(4), 332-339.
Davenport, T. (1993). Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through Information Technology, . Boston: MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Grey, C., & Mitev, N. (1995). Re-engineering organizations: a critical appraisal. Personnel Review, 24(1), 6-18.
Luo, W., & Tung, A. Y. (1999). A framework for selecting business process modeling methods. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 99(7), 312-319.-11e3_story.html.