Evolving a Pakistani National Identity: Problems And Prospects
National integration, national identity, ethnic identity, Pakistani identity, identity crisis, ethno-national movements, federalismAbstract
National integration is a sine qua non for national prosperity, peace and harmony. Most of the newly emerged states in the post-World War-II era encountered issues of national integration and unity. The emergence of an identity crisis is normal during the political development. Since Pakistan was carved out of the Asian subcontinent, comprising of areas having diverse nationalities, therefore development of any such crisis was natural. Several ethno-national movements were launched by the different nationalities having diverse ethnic identities. But at the end of all such crises Pakistan had the resilience to emerge stronger than ever. The root cause of these ethno-national movements seems to be deviation from the pristine principles of federalism and denial of provincial autonomy. In this research work qualitative research methods were employed, relying mostly on secondary sources to probe into the problems and prospects of a Pakistani national identity. The key is to redress genuine grievances of all nationalities and communities so that a viable Pakistani national identity could be evolved.
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